Monday, August 27, 2018

Goodbye, Senator McCain

Under the circumstances, I feel President Trump has done all he could without disrespecting the family of John McCain. He tweeted condolences when he first found out. Trump made an announcement today, saying he respected McCain despite their differences and recognized his service to the
John McCain used his death to put Trump in an unwinnable position. If he goes to the funeral, he's being disrespectful.
If Trump would go overboard in his praise for McCain, he's be accused of being a hypocrite. Would calling the family be appropriate? Probably not in this case.
I always try to be respectful to the dead. Usually people who are terminal try to clear the air before they die. I've witnessed a lot of death in the past 5 years. Everybody has differences, but most people try to leave this world with mended fences and clear consciences. I've NEVER known anyone who used their terminal illness to take potshots at their adversaries.
I just read McCain's final statement. After officially announcing that Donald Trump would not be invited to his funeral. After choosing Mike Pence and off all people, BARACK OBAMA to speak at the funeral, McCain used his final letter to the American people to take more potshots at the president:
"...we weaken our greatness when we confuse our patriotism with tribal rivalries that have sown resentment and hatred and violence in all corners of the globe."
Not only was the statement mean, it's absolutely untrue.
McCain may not have used Trump's name, but it was obvious who he meant, "We weaken it when we hide behind walls, rather than tear them down..." At the very least, the terminally ill usually try to be honest in the end.
After McCain lost to Obama, I distinctly remember him calling for strong border security. I even found an old article where McCain brought up a fence that was started on the AZ border.
In 2013, he expressed an opposite view when he said, "Since 2006, just 351 miles of fencing was built along SW border. More is needed to finish securing our border."
I've been very disappointed in much of McCain's behavior since I voted for him in 2008. I watched him gradually switch from being Obama's biggest opponent to becoming one of his lackeys. I knew of his RINO reputation, but he acted much differently when he campaigned for the presidency.
I try not to speak poorly of the dead, but these potshots from the grave are beyond my respect.
Instead of a "Maverick", I see a very bitter man. Most assume this resentment stems from Trump's comment about McCain's capture in Vietnam. A true hero would not be offended by that loose-lipped remark. McCain had been making negative comments about Trump and as he often does, Trump retaliated.
If McCain's behavior towards Trump and pending legislation was only due to that comment, then McCain was more petty than I thought he was. Great men are supposed to put their personal difference aside and put the country first. I believe McCain's actions are based on something deeper than that.
He behaved like he was motivated by jealousy, not a flippant comment.
Whatever the case, I may have remembered John McCain differently if he didn't exclude Trump from his funeral and ingenuous statements. It's sad, really. He can never take any of that back.
It's part of John McCain's legacy now.

Marie Harf Needs to Apply for Unemployment

  I understand why FNC has Democrats like Juan Williams on. He makes me crazy, but he represents the rank and file lefty.
  Marie Harf is not one of them. Marie Harf was part of the problem and I really resent that Fox hired her. I don't even like when she's just a political contributor on entertaining shows like The Five. Today she filled in as a panelist on Special Report w/ Brett Baier. I'm insulted she's there. I see Marie Harf as part of the corrupt Obama/Clinton State Dept.. She worked for the enemy.
Harf commended Sessions for not being political as AG and she condemned Trump for expecting him to be. (Trump isn't asking him to be "political"; he's asking Sessions to look at the actual evidence).
Harf got on her soapbox and explained how the AG is supposed to be the "attorney for the people". Mollie Hemingway gave the ditz a good debate, but I wish I had been there. I wish I could talk to her:
    Was Eric Holder Apolitical? He was motivated by politics and race. Holder indicted whistle-blowers and journalists who dared tell the truth about Obama. He was found in contempt of congress. From Fast & Furious to Ferguson, Holder worked for Obama and who Holder called, "My people". When the New Black Panthers were found guilty of intimidating voters, Holder had the charges dropped.
   Holder was probably the most politically corrupt AG we've have ever seen...until Loretta Lynch. Obama's 2nd AG is best known for meeting Clinton on the tarmac while FBI agents shooed reporters away. We later learned Lynch instructed the FBI Director to refer to Hillary's investigation as a "matter" - during a presidential election!
   I can turn the channel and I did, but it was too late.
I heard this idiot, this lemming from Obama's administration, tell me how an Attorney General is supposed to act.
   Before that, I heard Harf talk about the possible Russian connection Donald Trump had and how Mueller could expose it. Harf worked as a spokesperson for Clinton's State Dept.. She knows what real Russian collusion looks like.
I've already written letters complaining about her presence at FNC. She insults my intelligence every time she opens her mouth.

Leaking to Energize the Bases

  Breitbart covered a story originated by a far-left website. (I don't want to drive any traffic to the leftist crap). Supposedly, some secret spreadsheet has emerged of Democrats' plans if they take control of the House. It's obvious, this was purposely leaked to energize their base and scare off Republican voters. It's a list we've heard 10,000 times, it states: "Thanks to their control of Congress, Republicans have blocked most of the Democrats’ investigative requests. But if the House flips, the GOP loses its power to stymie."
   Are you kidding me??? The special counsel is covering everything and everyone Trump has come into contact with the past 20 years.
According to the "breaking news", GOP lawmakers are shaking in their boots, worried how they will cope with all these investigations. Oh and the author quoted his 'reliable' sources, "Lawyers close to the White House" told him Trump isn't prepared for the onslaught. 😱
   Breitbart added some snippets to energize Trump's base too. They added this list, giving me the chills:
"Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), a leading voice for impeachment of the president, is slated to become House Financial Services Committee chairwoman, while fellow leftists Reps. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) and Jerry Nadler (D-NY) are slated to chair the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and Judiciary Committee, respectively. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), a leftist who has spent hours upon hours on television bashing Trump, would get the gavel of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence."
The left-wing piece had no mention of such appointments.
Below is the list Republicans were supposed to have blocked. Missing from the list is legislation a Democrat House would take on: tax hikes, Medicare for all, minimum wage hike, etc.

 Breitbart Article: Battle Print: Document Emerges Detailing Democrat Plans

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Help Stop Voter Fraud; Join 'True The Vote'

I joined in 2009 after I learned about ACORN's voter registration abuses. It was a non-partisan, non-profit org created for regular citizens to prevent voter fraud.
Shortly after, the IRS attacked the Founder of TTV along with conservative groups. Rep. Elijah Cummings sent her threatening letters and emails. (Think of how messed up that is. A member of congress harassed a citizen because her organization could prevent voter fraud!) Besides the IRS, the FBI, ATF and OSHA also got involved.
They called Cathryn Engelbrecht's org a 'Tea Party' group, but it wasn't political at all. They just didn't want anyone interfering with the left's illegal voting practices.
This might not be the best sales pitch for, but anyone can complain about voter fraud. It's another thing to actually do something. Cathryn Engelbrecht still runs TTV.

Historical Deplorables

“If you put everyone’s mouths together in this video, you’d get a full set of teeth.”
That "journalist" sent out an empty apology. They really think they're better than us - the media, the Democrat lawmakers (and some of the GOP too). We're "smelly", "toothless", "hillbilly", "Deplorables". Obama even talked down to his own supporters, "You didn't build that."
They may have Harvard and Yale degrees, but they lack common sense so much, I wonder how they tie their shoelaces. They don't know anything about History Politico Reporter Mocks Trump Supporters and if you don't learn from history, you're "doomed to repeat it".
They're snobs.
And that's partly why many of us like Trump so much. He's as comfortable with the blue collar workers as he is with the elites. He prefers the common man over elitists now. He knows he's representing us.

Politico Reporter Mocks Trump Supporters 

I'm 57 years old and I am a widow.

I am a widow now. I'm 57 years old and I am a widow. I cannot explain the shock you experience when you find your husband dead. Our ma...