Under the circumstances, I feel President Trump has done all he could without disrespecting the family of John McCain. He tweeted condolences when he first found out. Trump made an announcement today, saying he respected McCain despite their differences and recognized his service to the
John McCain used his death to put Trump in an unwinnable position. If he goes to the funeral, he's being disrespectful.
If Trump would go overboard in his praise for McCain, he's be accused of being a hypocrite. Would calling the family be appropriate? Probably not in this case.
I always try to be respectful to the dead. Usually people who are terminal try to clear the air before they die. I've witnessed a lot of death in the past 5 years. Everybody has differences, but most people try to leave this world with mended fences and clear consciences. I've NEVER known anyone who used their terminal illness to take potshots at their adversaries.
I just read McCain's final statement. After officially announcing that Donald Trump would not be invited to his funeral. After choosing Mike Pence and off all people, BARACK OBAMA to speak at the funeral, McCain used his final letter to the American people to take more potshots at the president:
"...we weaken our greatness when we confuse our patriotism with tribal rivalries that have sown resentment and hatred and violence in all corners of the globe."
Not only was the statement mean, it's absolutely untrue.
McCain may not have used Trump's name, but it was obvious who he meant, "We weaken it when we hide behind walls, rather than tear them down..." At the very least, the terminally ill usually try to be honest in the end.
After McCain lost to Obama, I distinctly remember him calling for strong border security. I even found an old article where McCain brought up a fence that was started on the AZ border.
In 2013, he expressed an opposite view when he said, "Since 2006, just 351 miles of fencing was built along SW border. More is needed to finish securing our border."
I've been very disappointed in much of McCain's behavior since I voted for him in 2008. I watched him gradually switch from being Obama's biggest opponent to becoming one of his lackeys. I knew of his RINO reputation, but he acted much differently when he campaigned for the presidency.
I try not to speak poorly of the dead, but these potshots from the grave are beyond my respect.
Instead of a "Maverick", I see a very bitter man. Most assume this resentment stems from Trump's comment about McCain's capture in Vietnam. A true hero would not be offended by that loose-lipped remark. McCain had been making negative comments about Trump and as he often does, Trump retaliated.
If McCain's behavior towards Trump and pending legislation was only due to that comment, then McCain was more petty than I thought he was. Great men are supposed to put their personal difference aside and put the country first. I believe McCain's actions are based on something deeper than that.
He behaved like he was motivated by jealousy, not a flippant comment.
It's part of John McCain's legacy now.