Monday, January 8, 2018

Rush Limbaugh Kept Trump Supporters Going

I wanted to mention the role Rush Limbaugh played during the election. The media - including Fox - all said Trump's chances of winning were slim. Talk radio hosts were turning against their own listeners for supporting Trump, but not Rush. The cool thing was, Rush actually knew Trump personally. They golfed together. Even when I believe Rush wanted Ted Cruz to win the Primary, he was always fair to Trump.
Once Trump won the GOP Primary, Rush got behind Trump 110%. When everyone on TV was reciting those polls, those awful polls showing Hillary winning by astronomical numbers, Rush was reading the small print.
He'd explain the polls were skewed, that at least 10% more Democrats were polled than Republicans. (When Wikileaks exposed Podesta's emails, it was revealed that the Democrats were behind the skewed polls). The left was trying to discourage us. They wanted us to give up on Trump.
Rush's show was the only place I could go to get a realistic view of the election. Rush gave us hope. Trump could win. I wasn't chastised for not being "a true conservative" and I wasn't compared to Hitler's Brownshirts. (other radio hosts made those comments).
I didn't care if Trump wasn't as conservative as Ted Cruz. I believed Trump could win and I didn't think Ted could. This wasn't a conservative contest. We needed to keep Hillary out of the White House. That was the goal. The 16 people that ran in the Primary had some good possibilities, but I didn't see anyone else that could beat the Clinton machine.
Rush saw that too and he saw the people were behind Trump. While Megyn Kelly was bashing him and Brett Baier was saying Trump didn't have a chances, Rush said otherwise. For those of us who couldn't go to Trump's rallies, Rush kept us focused and hopeful. And how did that turn out? 

We're going to do it again the midterms.

Electoral College

  Listen, you can't change the rules because your candidate lost. Grow up! If Democrats didn't want the electoral college, they had plenty of time to change the law after Al Gore lost the election in 2000. If elections were won by the popular vote, everyone in CA, IL and New York would vote too. They don't now because all the electoral college voters in those states are Democrats.

  Hillary lost. Trump won. Democrats need to suck it up and get over it. That is what we had to do when Barack Obama won - twice!
  I'm tired of hearing that Hillary won the popular vote. If elections were won by popular vote, Trump would have campaigned differently. Not only that, many people in California and New York didn't bother to vote because they knew it wouldn't count.
  No Democrats, you can't change the rules after an election. If you wanted to change it, you should have done it when you had the super-majority in the House and Senate. Democrats should have been paying attention to Schoolhouse Rock when they were kids.


The Creator Works in Mysterious Ways

We've seen a miracle happen in 2016. Some will ask how can you say Trump's presidency is a miracle? Trump? really? God works in mysterious ways and we're all sinners anyway. I do see Trump winning the election a miracle. We've had a president who lied to us like no other. The corruption was out of control. Obama and Hillary's behavior has been plain evil.
Trump said so many things that would normally end a political career, but nothing stuck to Trump.
The entire country - the whole world - thought Hillary would win by a landslide. I don't post about my beliefs often, but I see Trump winning as a miracle. A Clinton presidency would have taken us further down a dark path. It was nothing short of 
a miracle that Trump won the election.


  Here is the story that never made headlines during the presidential election.
With all the turmoil involving the Russians and the election, you'd think the story would come up.
Apparently Bill & Hillary considered Putin a "friend" because Bill and some Canadian buddies sold Putin a company that controlled 1/5th of the globe's uranium. Hillary was head of the State Department then and approved the deal. In turn for the favor, The Clinton Foundation received a four generous donations totaling $2.35 million. The contributions were not disclosed to the public even though Hillary made a deal with Obama to name all donors. Hillary also got a cool, half a million for a speech she made to a Russian bank.
  Hillary made accomplishments as Secretary of State alright, but only her and Bill benefited from them. It was the American taxpayer who footed the bill for travel expenses while Hillary traveled the globe, collecting money that made Russia atomically stronger. The conflicts of interest we don't know about must be staggering. The Clinton Foundation received money from countries that aren't exactly our allies.
  Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium DealBottom line...Russia's nuclear program is much stronger- thanks to the Clintons.
Here's a stupid question; why didn't the media make a big deal out of this?
It's a far bigger story than the Russians hacking the DNC.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

I'm 57 years old and I am a widow.

I am a widow now. I'm 57 years old and I am a widow. I cannot explain the shock you experience when you find your husband dead. Our ma...