I am a widow now. I'm 57 years old and I am a widow.
I cannot explain the shock you experience when you find your husband dead.
Our marriage was far from perfect, but I loved him with all my heart.
I actually toyed with the possibility of divorce. I didn't know what to do anymore.
Nagging, pleading, speaking softly did not work.
I was out of ideas. I loved him, but he didn't seem to care about our future.
My husband always held a job. Always! The Obama economy killed businesses that lasted 75 years. Evatone was one of those businesses. The company kept my husband until the very end.
My husband worked there until they closed their doors forever.
He was one of the last employees they kept.
My husand's self-esteem left when Evatone closed their doors forever.
They kept him until the very end. He helped them clean out their warehousess after 75 years.
The Fentz Post
Susan M. Fentz
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Sunday, April 28, 2019
To Beck and Never Back
I'm ashamed to admit it now, but I was once a huge Glenn Beck fan.🤬
In all fairness, I did learn a lot about history from him. I learned about government, Soros and the "Deep State" before it was ever called that. I learned most of this in his books and on his infamous blackboard.
In all fairness, I did learn a lot about history from him. I learned about government, Soros and the "Deep State" before it was ever called that. I learned most of this in his books and on his infamous blackboard.
Hey, I wasn't alone. There were a lot of us standing "shoulder-to-shoulder" with him, the Tea Party and the 9/12 movement. (I can't believe I'm admitting it on FB). He was laughed at when he said ISIS was planning a caliphate. He was first to say that - and was laughed at. (He turned out to be right).
But Beck turned out to be such a hypocrite. After telling his fans not to do as he said, to not follow him, to "do your own research" for years, he turned on his Trump-supporting listeners. He lost his mind. He said Trump supporters were like Brown Shirts, they were ALL violent. I turned Beck off and I will never listen to him again. I defended his craziness so many times for years.
He even said he'd vote for Hillary before Trump. I turned Beck off and I never listened to him again. I don't care if he starts wearing a MAGA hat and campaigns for Trump.
Beck really came unglued when he went on the road to campaign for Ted Cruz.
Twice he was investigated by the Secret Service for something dangerous he said. And when Cruz finally endorsed Trump, Glenn Beck had a complete meltdown on air. I saw a clip of it because I'd stopped watching him long before.
He kicked a trash can and attacked the one he said was "anointed by God" to be president - Ted Cruz.
Why do I bring this up?
Some Trump supporters compare Mark Levin to Glenn Beck. I admit, another conservative, radio host was alienating his listeners - Mark Levin. It got to wear I couldn't listen to Levin either! I learned a lot of what I knew from these two men.
How did they get Trump so wrong?
True, Levin did say a lot of things that turned Trump supporters away from listening to him. At one point, he even declared himself a "Never-Trumper", but that didn't last long.
At least Levin said he'd vote for Donald Trump - even if his reason was solely based on Trump's list of SCOTUS justice nominees. I was disappointed by Levin too. Levin was so blinded by his belief of who Ted Cruz pretended to be, he didn't see Cruz had no chance of winning. I was sick to death of both Beck and Levin preaching about their ethics. What good were those ethics if they ensured Hillary Clinton a win?
Did they want to win or did they want to hand the presidency to Hillary Clinton?
First off, Cruz has zero charisma. I really liked Ted Cruz - as a senator. We needed ninety-nine more just like him there. Like it or not, charisma plays a huge role in winning the presidency. Too many Americans base their reason for voting on charisma alone. I'd bet half do!
Secondly, I was starting to see flaws in Cruz's
Beck really came unglued when he went on the road to campaign for Ted Cruz.
Twice he was investigated by the Secret Service for something dangerous he said. And when Cruz finally endorsed Trump, Glenn Beck had a complete meltdown on air. I saw a clip of it because I'd stopped watching him long before.
He kicked a trash can and attacked the one he said was "anointed by God" to be president - Ted Cruz.
Why do I bring this up?
Some Trump supporters compare Mark Levin to Glenn Beck. I admit, another conservative, radio host was alienating his listeners - Mark Levin. It got to wear I couldn't listen to Levin either! I learned a lot of what I knew from these two men.
How did they get Trump so wrong?
True, Levin did say a lot of things that turned Trump supporters away from listening to him. At one point, he even declared himself a "Never-Trumper", but that didn't last long.
At least Levin said he'd vote for Donald Trump - even if his reason was solely based on Trump's list of SCOTUS justice nominees. I was disappointed by Levin too. Levin was so blinded by his belief of who Ted Cruz pretended to be, he didn't see Cruz had no chance of winning. I was sick to death of both Beck and Levin preaching about their ethics. What good were those ethics if they ensured Hillary Clinton a win?
Did they want to win or did they want to hand the presidency to Hillary Clinton?
First off, Cruz has zero charisma. I really liked Ted Cruz - as a senator. We needed ninety-nine more just like him there. Like it or not, charisma plays a huge role in winning the presidency. Too many Americans base their reason for voting on charisma alone. I'd bet half do!
Secondly, I was starting to see flaws in Cruz's
I bring this up because I was (and still am) a Mark Levin fan.
Levin was starting to head down the same road as Beck. I just joined LevinTV, couldn't cancel my membership and couldn't listen to him anymore either.
Some Things will Change Your Life Forever
This blog has always been about politics. I haven't kept up on it the way I should have. I am a conservative. So the mass media has not been reporting the truth.
I could scream and write about all of that - how it's angered me. It's left me disillusioned and shocked by the establishment government.
I don't care what people say. I've seen proof that the government became corrupt - beyond our wildest dreams under the Obama administration. Democrats will laugh, call me a conspiracy theorist. Where is their proof? Something happened to me shortly after Valentines Day, 2019. It changed my whole life. I'm still interested in politics.
My husband died unexpectedly on 2/23/2019. I found him laying on his stomach.
I saw him lying like that so many times before. I didn't know then, but it apparently always scared me. He was always difficult to wake up. Every time I hysterically woke him, I didn't know I was rehearsing for this day...this horrible day when my whole world would turn upside down.
My husband was eight years younger than I. Rob was only 49. He may have been a hard sleeper, but I never really believed he would go before I would. There are some things you cannot un-see. I will never forget. That scene will forever play over and over in my head. I cannot erase it from my memory.
I shook him. I tried so hard †o wake him. I even pulled his hair. He was gone. Every worst nightmare I might have buried in my subconscious was right there.
The paramedics told me he had a massive heart attack. They said there was nothing I could have done to save him. It doesn't matter what they said. I still keep blaming myself. What if I had gone to wake him sooner? Even two of the paramedics had tears in their eyes. I don't know if it was the sight of my husband or my reaction. I cannot explain the pain I felt. It was as if my heart was ripped from my chest. I felt alone. I felt so alone.
It's two months later and I still feel so alone. In the span of five years, I lost my whole immediate family. My mom passed away in 2013. My brother succumbed to pancreatic cancer in 2015. I was my father's caregiver when he died in 2018. My mother-in-law went into a diabetic coma in 2019. She died three days before my husband.
I have grieved my entire family. I am still grieving them. However, nothing compares to losing your spouse. Even if things weren't wonderful and and perfect, he was my husband.
I could scream and write about all of that - how it's angered me. It's left me disillusioned and shocked by the establishment government.
I don't care what people say. I've seen proof that the government became corrupt - beyond our wildest dreams under the Obama administration. Democrats will laugh, call me a conspiracy theorist. Where is their proof? Something happened to me shortly after Valentines Day, 2019. It changed my whole life. I'm still interested in politics.
My husband died unexpectedly on 2/23/2019. I found him laying on his stomach.
I saw him lying like that so many times before. I didn't know then, but it apparently always scared me. He was always difficult to wake up. Every time I hysterically woke him, I didn't know I was rehearsing for this day...this horrible day when my whole world would turn upside down.
My husband was eight years younger than I. Rob was only 49. He may have been a hard sleeper, but I never really believed he would go before I would. There are some things you cannot un-see. I will never forget. That scene will forever play over and over in my head. I cannot erase it from my memory.
I shook him. I tried so hard †o wake him. I even pulled his hair. He was gone. Every worst nightmare I might have buried in my subconscious was right there.
The paramedics told me he had a massive heart attack. They said there was nothing I could have done to save him. It doesn't matter what they said. I still keep blaming myself. What if I had gone to wake him sooner? Even two of the paramedics had tears in their eyes. I don't know if it was the sight of my husband or my reaction. I cannot explain the pain I felt. It was as if my heart was ripped from my chest. I felt alone. I felt so alone.
It's two months later and I still feel so alone. In the span of five years, I lost my whole immediate family. My mom passed away in 2013. My brother succumbed to pancreatic cancer in 2015. I was my father's caregiver when he died in 2018. My mother-in-law went into a diabetic coma in 2019. She died three days before my husband.
I have grieved my entire family. I am still grieving them. However, nothing compares to losing your spouse. Even if things weren't wonderful and and perfect, he was my husband.
Sunday, December 2, 2018
A Reply to an Article About Trump Reversing Obama Regulations
I know the media loves to villainize Trump for everything. He approved the Keystone pipeline that Obama nixed. The reason is some "scientists" saying it's bad for the wildlife. The fact is, a similar pipeline was constructed in Alaska. The caribou population doubled near the pipeline.
They habituated near it and as a result, thrived in the slightly warmer climate. Obama loved regulations because regulations prevented job growth, wealth and a healthy economy. Obama never wanted any of those things.
So excuse me whenever I read "scientists" convinced Obama of anything. Obama had little regard for human life so why would he care about wildlife?
Young black men have been murdering each other in Obama's "home" of Chicago. Did he lift a finger to help? No. Trump offered to send the National Guard there, to get things under control. However, Mayor Rahm Emanuel refused the offer. He and Obama are more interested in increasing the population with illegal immigrants to illegally vote for them. Their mission has been to create a dependent underclass who will always vote Democrat. You see, most of America rejects the Socialist agenda they wish to implement.
After a midterm election riddled with fraud, the Democrats want to make registration EASIER. They say there are too many roadblocks and they want it to be automatic. Even after finding hundreds of thousands of illegitimate votes, they still insist there is no voter fraud. They refuse to implement a nationwide state ID law, calling it "voter suppression" when every state that requires it will give free IDs to the poor.
You want to make Trump look like a terrible president for undoing another one of Obama's regulations.
Obama purposely implemented hundreds of thousands of regulations to stifle economic growth. It's all about distributing wealth equally around the world in the name of "climate change".
In Socialism, there are two classes: the ruling class and the working class. Nothing is "free". Obama knows he will be part of the ruling class.
Look at Venezuela. That is what Obama wanted to do to America.
And now Bernie Sanders and his band of naive, indoctrinated, young lawmakers think they're doing good. They promise "free" everything. They leave out the part where taxpayers will PAY for all those "free" entitlements. Everything is rationed. People go hungry and some even die.
The economy is doing well now and Obama tries to take credit for it.
The truth is, it was just common sense. Trump removed all the unneeded regulations Obama created in the name of "climate change" so he could implement Socialism. The economy took off.
I've seen too many stories like this with incomplete "science".
Obama is the bad guy, not Trump. Obama wants America to be like Venezuela.
The media never questioned him. They never criticized the recovery that wasn't happening.
Any good scientist knows the debate is NEVER over.
I know this reads like crazy conspiracy theories, but after what I've seen happen over the past ten years, the crimes committed by the left that they will never be held accountable for, I am angry. I've watch the media become more biased than ever before. They actually are working for the establishment - mostly Democrats, but a good many Republicans too.
I'm tired of people like me being ignored.
Sunday, October 14, 2018
An Obama Economy Would Never Look Like This
Just last week, Obama tried to take credit for Trump's economy again.
Those of us paying attention during the Obama administration knew he was
implementing job-crippling regulations. Who else but Democrats would
pass a massive law like Obamacare during a deep recession? Small
businesses in my state of Florida were closing left and right. The
company my husband worked for had been active for 75 years and they
closed down. Mom & Pop restaurants and even chains were shutting their doors. It was such a sad time.
After one of Obama's ridiculous speeches, he had the audacity to thank HIMSELF for the great economy.
The informed part of the population elected Trump in part because we knew he'd lift many of the (literally) hundreds of thousands of regulations Obama created. Obama said Trump supporters were calling it "a miracle". It was no miracle. We knew it would happen. It's just common sense.
The recession supposedly ended in 2010. Obama's recovery was the slowest and weakest since the end of WWII. The GDP averaged a pathetic 2.2% for the rest of his presidency. Obama supporters have such short memories. They must not recall he told the American people we'd never see 3% GDP again. He called it the "new norm", anticipating that Hillary would be the next president.
Democrats and the media (often one and the same) would like to re-write history, but the stats are there - at least for now.
After one of Obama's ridiculous speeches, he had the audacity to thank HIMSELF for the great economy.
The informed part of the population elected Trump in part because we knew he'd lift many of the (literally) hundreds of thousands of regulations Obama created. Obama said Trump supporters were calling it "a miracle". It was no miracle. We knew it would happen. It's just common sense.
The recession supposedly ended in 2010. Obama's recovery was the slowest and weakest since the end of WWII. The GDP averaged a pathetic 2.2% for the rest of his presidency. Obama supporters have such short memories. They must not recall he told the American people we'd never see 3% GDP again. He called it the "new norm", anticipating that Hillary would be the next president.
Democrats and the media (often one and the same) would like to re-write history, but the stats are there - at least for now.
Thursday, October 11, 2018
When I need a Voice of Reason, I listen to Rush
Rush said some things today that I just had to share. So true:
"We are under assault; it has never been worse...
...We’re not in a battle of ideas. The left is not interested in our ideas. We’re battling people who do not want us to exist. They have no desire to coexist with us. They have no desire for the ongoing political arguments over the best way to do things for a majority of people. That’s not their interest.
Their interest is the elimination of opposition, however it can happen. They have no limits on how low they will go, on how depraved and perverted they will be in seeking their reality.
Folks, we are not legitimate in their eyes. Our ideas are not legitimate; our existence is not legitimate, and not even worthy of discussing or acknowledgment. In fact, they don’t even look at the United States the way we do. They don’t accept the founding of the country, the principles in our founding documents. They accept none of that. None of that is relevant...
...We’re not gonna become them. They have, as an objective, ruination and total human destruction of their opponents. That’s us. That may sound a little extreme to those of you that are here on the periphery. Do not doubt me. That is their objective: total destruction and ruination.
Well, how do we fight that? Decent people are not gonna try to ruin their political opponents. They’re gonna try to beat them. But we’re not gonna become who they are. We don’t have it in us to become who they are...
...We’re very lucky we have somebody willing to push back against it from the highest levels of power in the country. Donald Trump fearlessly pushes back on it, calls them out, identifies them. They’re not used to this. They don’t know how to react to it." ~ Rush Limbaugh 10/9/2018
"We are under assault; it has never been worse...
...We’re not in a battle of ideas. The left is not interested in our ideas. We’re battling people who do not want us to exist. They have no desire to coexist with us. They have no desire for the ongoing political arguments over the best way to do things for a majority of people. That’s not their interest.
Their interest is the elimination of opposition, however it can happen. They have no limits on how low they will go, on how depraved and perverted they will be in seeking their reality.
Folks, we are not legitimate in their eyes. Our ideas are not legitimate; our existence is not legitimate, and not even worthy of discussing or acknowledgment. In fact, they don’t even look at the United States the way we do. They don’t accept the founding of the country, the principles in our founding documents. They accept none of that. None of that is relevant...
...We’re not gonna become them. They have, as an objective, ruination and total human destruction of their opponents. That’s us. That may sound a little extreme to those of you that are here on the periphery. Do not doubt me. That is their objective: total destruction and ruination.
Well, how do we fight that? Decent people are not gonna try to ruin their political opponents. They’re gonna try to beat them. But we’re not gonna become who they are. We don’t have it in us to become who they are...
...We’re very lucky we have somebody willing to push back against it from the highest levels of power in the country. Donald Trump fearlessly pushes back on it, calls them out, identifies them. They’re not used to this. They don’t know how to react to it." ~ Rush Limbaugh 10/9/2018
Monday, August 27, 2018
Goodbye, Senator McCain
Under the circumstances, I feel President Trump has done all he could without disrespecting the family of John McCain. He tweeted condolences when he first found out. Trump made an announcement today, saying he respected McCain despite their differences and recognized his service to the
John McCain used his death to put Trump in an unwinnable position. If he goes to the funeral, he's being disrespectful.
If Trump would go overboard in his praise for McCain, he's be accused of being a hypocrite. Would calling the family be appropriate? Probably not in this case.
I always try to be respectful to the dead. Usually people who are terminal try to clear the air before they die. I've witnessed a lot of death in the past 5 years. Everybody has differences, but most people try to leave this world with mended fences and clear consciences. I've NEVER known anyone who used their terminal illness to take potshots at their adversaries.
I just read McCain's final statement. After officially announcing that Donald Trump would not be invited to his funeral. After choosing Mike Pence and off all people, BARACK OBAMA to speak at the funeral, McCain used his final letter to the American people to take more potshots at the president:
"...we weaken our greatness when we confuse our patriotism with tribal rivalries that have sown resentment and hatred and violence in all corners of the globe."
Not only was the statement mean, it's absolutely untrue.
McCain may not have used Trump's name, but it was obvious who he meant, "We weaken it when we hide behind walls, rather than tear them down..." At the very least, the terminally ill usually try to be honest in the end.
After McCain lost to Obama, I distinctly remember him calling for strong border security. I even found an old article where McCain brought up a fence that was started on the AZ border.
In 2013, he expressed an opposite view when he said, "Since 2006, just 351 miles of fencing was built along SW border. More is needed to finish securing our border."
I've been very disappointed in much of McCain's behavior since I voted for him in 2008. I watched him gradually switch from being Obama's biggest opponent to becoming one of his lackeys. I knew of his RINO reputation, but he acted much differently when he campaigned for the presidency.
I try not to speak poorly of the dead, but these potshots from the grave are beyond my respect.
Instead of a "Maverick", I see a very bitter man. Most assume this resentment stems from Trump's comment about McCain's capture in Vietnam. A true hero would not be offended by that loose-lipped remark. McCain had been making negative comments about Trump and as he often does, Trump retaliated.
If McCain's behavior towards Trump and pending legislation was only due to that comment, then McCain was more petty than I thought he was. Great men are supposed to put their personal difference aside and put the country first. I believe McCain's actions are based on something deeper than that.
He behaved like he was motivated by jealousy, not a flippant comment.
It's part of John McCain's legacy now.
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I'm 57 years old and I am a widow.
I am a widow now. I'm 57 years old and I am a widow. I cannot explain the shock you experience when you find your husband dead. Our ma...
I am a widow now. I'm 57 years old and I am a widow. I cannot explain the shock you experience when you find your husband dead. Our ma...
This ad is unbelievable because it's chocked full of blatant lies. I've chosen the juiciest ones for you. 1. "When I took ...
It's been a long time coming, but it's pretty obvious Harry Reid has totally lost his mind. I'd say he's going senile, but t...