Sunday, December 2, 2018

A Reply to an Article About Trump Reversing Obama Regulations

I know the media loves to villainize Trump for everything. He approved the Keystone pipeline that Obama nixed. The reason is some "scientists" saying it's bad for the wildlife. The fact is, a similar pipeline was constructed in Alaska. The caribou population doubled near the pipeline.
They habituated near it and as a result, thrived in the slightly warmer climate. Obama loved regulations because regulations prevented job growth, wealth and a healthy  economy. Obama never wanted any of those things.
So excuse me whenever I read "scientists" convinced Obama of anything. Obama had little regard for human life so why would he care about wildlife?
Young black men have been murdering each other in Obama's "home" of Chicago. Did he lift a finger to help? No. Trump offered to send the National Guard there, to get things under control. However, Mayor Rahm Emanuel refused the offer. He and Obama are more interested in increasing the population with illegal immigrants to illegally vote for them. Their mission has been to create a dependent underclass who will always vote Democrat. You see, most of America rejects the Socialist agenda they wish to implement.
After a midterm election riddled with fraud, the Democrats want to make registration EASIER. They say there are too many roadblocks and they want it to be automatic. Even after finding hundreds of thousands of illegitimate votes, they still insist there is no voter fraud. They refuse to implement a nationwide state ID law, calling it "voter suppression" when every state that requires it will give free IDs to the poor.
You want to make Trump look like a terrible president for undoing another one of Obama's regulations.
Obama purposely implemented hundreds of thousands of regulations to stifle economic growth. It's all about distributing wealth equally around the world in the name of "climate change".
In Socialism, there are two classes: the ruling class and the working class. Nothing is "free". Obama knows he will be part of the ruling class.
Look at Venezuela. That is what Obama wanted to do to America.
And now Bernie Sanders and his band of naive, indoctrinated, young lawmakers think they're doing good. They promise "free" everything. They leave out the part where taxpayers will PAY for all those "free" entitlements. Everything is rationed. People go hungry and some even die.
The economy is doing well now and Obama tries to take credit for it.
The truth is, it was just common sense. Trump removed all the unneeded regulations Obama created in the name of "climate change" so he could implement Socialism. The economy took off.
I've seen too many stories like this with incomplete "science".
Obama is the bad guy, not Trump. Obama wants America to be like Venezuela.
The media never questioned him. They never criticized the recovery that wasn't happening.
Any good scientist knows the debate is NEVER over.
I know this reads like crazy conspiracy theories, but after what I've seen happen over the past ten years, the crimes committed by the left that they will never be held accountable for, I am angry. I've watch the media become more biased than ever before. They actually are working for the establishment - mostly Democrats, but a good many Republicans too.
I'm tired of people like me being ignored.

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