Sunday, April 28, 2019

To Beck and Never Back

I'm ashamed to admit it now, but I was once a huge Glenn Beck fan.🤬
In all fairness, I did learn a lot about history from him. I learned about government, Soros and the "Deep State" before it was ever called that. I learned most of this in his books and on his infamous blackboard.
Hey, I wasn't alone. There were a lot of us standing "shoulder-to-shoulder" with him, the Tea Party and the 9/12 movement. (I can't believe I'm admitting it on FB). He was laughed at when he said ISIS was planning a caliphate. He was first to say that - and was laughed at. (He turned out to be right).
But Beck turned out to be such a hypocrite. After telling his fans not to do as he said, to not follow him, to "do your own research" for years, he turned on his Trump-supporting listeners. He lost his mind. He said Trump supporters were like Brown Shirts, they were ALL violent. I turned Beck off and I will never listen to him again. I defended his craziness so many times for years.
He even said he'd vote for Hillary before Trump. I turned Beck off and I never listened to him again. I don't care if he starts wearing a MAGA hat and campaigns for Trump. 
Beck really came unglued when he went on the road to campaign for Ted Cruz.
Twice he was investigated by the Secret Service for something dangerous he said. And when Cruz finally endorsed Trump, Glenn Beck had a complete meltdown on air. I saw a clip of it because I'd stopped watching him long before.
He kicked a trash can and attacked the one he said was "anointed by God" to be president - Ted Cruz.
Why do I bring this up?
Some Trump supporters compare Mark Levin to Glenn Beck. I admit, another conservative, radio host was alienating his listeners - Mark Levin. It got to wear I couldn't listen to Levin either! I learned a lot of what I knew from these two men.
How did they get Trump so wrong?
True, Levin did say a lot of things that turned Trump supporters away from listening to him. At one point, he even declared himself a "Never-Trumper", but that didn't last long.
At least Levin said he'd vote for Donald Trump - even if his reason was solely based on Trump's list of SCOTUS justice nominees. I was disappointed by Levin too. Levin was so blinded by his belief of who Ted Cruz pretended to be, he didn't see Cruz had no chance of winning. I was sick to death of both Beck and Levin preaching about their ethics. What good were those ethics if they ensured Hillary Clinton a win?
Did they want to win or did they want to hand the presidency to Hillary Clinton?
First off, Cruz has zero charisma. I really liked Ted Cruz - as a senator. We needed ninety-nine more just like him there. Like it or not, charisma plays a huge role in winning the presidency. Too many Americans base their reason for voting on charisma alone. I'd bet half do!
Secondly, I was starting to see flaws in Cruz's
I bring this up because I was (and still am) a Mark Levin fan.
Levin was starting to head down the same road as Beck. I just joined LevinTV, couldn't cancel my membership and couldn't listen to him anymore either.

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