Sunday, December 8, 2013

Get Ready, Get Ready

Hey, my Conservative, fellow champions of character and honor...
I know the turds we call the 'mainstream media' are saying Conservatism is dead. Also, the traitors known as the 'GOP establishment" are urging Conservatives to abandon our core values and beliefs. They think Republicans need to be more marketable and the only way to do this is by moving more to the left.

It is Establishment Republicans who are trashing the Tea Party now. They see the Tea Party as a threat to their cushy jobs and their cushy existence. The Democrats are loving this discontent within the Republican party. They're saying the GOP will implode and there will be no more GOP.  Democrats see the Tea Party as a threat to their agenda. After all, it was the Tea Party that motivated the public to go out and vote in 2010. In fact, it was their poster girl, Sarah Palin who went out and endorsed many of the winning candidates in that mid-term election.  The "establishment" Republicans are even worse than Democrats because they pretend to be something they're not - Conservatives. Don't let them fool you; they're Progressives.

Progressives follow Saul Alinsky's teachings from the book, Rules for Radicals.
In the book, Alinsky spends several pages on confronting "the opposition". 
Alinsky wrote, "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." After reading Alinsky's book, a lot of what the left is doing actually starts to make sense, but only because you are reading their instruction manual. Alinsky explains more on another page, "When your 'freeze the target,' you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments." So that is why the left never make any sense! That can only be part of it; there's no way Alinsky can be held 100% responsible for their confusing, thought process. 
 "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon," says Alinsky, "It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule." 

Alinsky's teachings do explain what the left does with "the opposition" though. It explains why Sarah Palin and the Tea Party are attacked so viciously. Alinsky basically tells them to tune out all common sense and go after the enemy with every tactic possible. Nothing is off limits. The GOP establishment must see what works for the left and do what they do. They're tactic is to scare Independents and Republicans by saying the Tea Party wants to destroy the GOP.

Just remember they were saying the same things about Ronald Reagan in 1980 - right before Reagan was elected. Take note; Barack Obama only beat Mitt Romney by 400K votes - and thousands of those votes were fraud! As usual, the GOP progressives never bothered to speak up on our behalf. And the mainstream media? They would never report those curious, little things known as FACTS. The mainstream media look the other way when a negative, news-worthy story about Democrats surface. 
But if Rush Limbaugh or another conservative comments, the media will take them out of context and make a major news story about nothing, This goes on constantly.

It was no different when Ronald Reagan started running against an incumbent, Democrat president. 
Ronald Reagan was deemed "too conservative" to win an election. That's what the establishment Republicans said anyway. Sound familiar? Instead, Reagan brought great ideas; he won over all of the Republican party, several Independents and even some Democrats.

   Where is our Reagan? My father says it's too soon to start talking about the presidential election. 
No, it isn't!  The Democrats are already working towards 2016. And this time, they're ready for 2014. The left isn't quite as arrogant right now; they no longer have a super-majority. This midterm election won't be as easy as 2010. I hope Sarah Palin is "reloading" and getting ready to endorse candidates across the country again.

In the meantime, check out out who is running in your state and who could lose their seat in congress.
It's helpful to check out your local Tea Party to see who they are endorsing. If you haven't got a clue yet, they will tell you who to vote for. Get the names and do your own research though. You most likely can find local Tea Party chapters at
We have to keep fighting no matter what the naysayers have to say. History repeats itself; remember Reagan when it seems impossible. I'd rather go down fighting than sitting back, watching my beloved country collapse. I'd rather no "go down" at all. We ALL have to be willing to fight though.

Truth About Kagan

Before Elana Kagan was appointed to the Supreme Court, she served as Barack Obama's attorneybefore the Supreme Court.
Personally, I call that a conflict of interest.


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Obama Adminstration: Bait and Switch?

On Saturday night, President Obama  made an announcement; Sec. of State, John Kerry made a nuclear deal with Iran. Since I'm on the subject of John Kerry -
I can't believe that monotone voice ran for president. People actually voted for this guy? My head feels like it's going to explode. Our government keeps doing the opposite of what I believe the American people want - especially when it comes to foreign affairs. I feel like we're making a deal with the devil.

By Sunday morning, I started thinking that this is so typical of the O administration. Would they make a deal with Iran just to switch focus from Obamacare? Of course they would. If there are any doubters out there, remember these same people let 4 people die in Benghazi. They knew those men were in danger and ignored the pleas for help. Official documents prove this to be true. They knew how volatile Benghazi was. Several state employees testified how concerned they were. Why was there was so little security there at such a dangerous site and on such a precarious date? Those men were sacrificed so Obama could save face and get re-elected.
Sickening. Never underestimate how ruthless they are.

I'm 57 years old and I am a widow.

I am a widow now. I'm 57 years old and I am a widow. I cannot explain the shock you experience when you find your husband dead. Our ma...